Shocking Resignation: Councilor Bill Meyer resigns from Florence City Council

Feb. 4, 2025, 7:30 p.m.

Florence Oregon - The Florence City council meeting on February 3rd started off like any other. Towards the end of the meeting Meyer asked Mayor Ward if he could read something into the record. 


Meyer said, "To mayor Rob Ward, I hereby notify you of my intention to resign from my council position with the city of Florence, Oregon, effective February 28, 2025.

It has been an honor serving Florence, serving with members of this council's emphasis, and working with the great supporting staff of city employees. I wish the council success with the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in building an even greater form. William A. Meyer. February 3, 2025."


Mayor Ward said, "Reluctantly accepted. Yes. Thank you. We, you know, we definitely have some appreciated years of service that you provided"


Meyer replied, "Well, I enjoyed my service, but I just find that I have to remove things from my plate... I need to make it clear. I'm gonna remain you're you're not getting rid of me." Which made the room laugh. Meyer continued,  "Because I'm remaining as a port commissioner. I thoroughly enjoy that."


Meyer then turned to councilor Jo Beaudreau and said "And and I need to thank the art committee because if the art committee hadn't come up with the kind of selections that they came up with, the wow factor of that piece would not have motivated me to anyway...Thank you."


Councilor Robert Carp chimed in and said, "I just wanna say it's a pleasure working with you"


Councilor Sally Wantz asked Meyer, "Is that the reason you got your haircut?" The room laughed again and Meyer replied, "It was It was trying to impress you. I was trying to clean up."


Meyer's resignation is effective February 28th, 2025. The remaining city councilors will pick Meyer's replacement. Even though Meyer will be on the council through the 28th he can't participate in any of the selection process for his replacement. The replacement will serve until December 2026, and the position will go up for a vote in the November 2026 election to fill the 2 years left in the term. The Open recruitment starts February 5th, 2025 and applications are due on February 19th, 2025.

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